Scientific Journal

  1. Mangunjaya, F. M.1985. Mengenal Pacet dan Kemungkinannya Sebagai Pengobatan. Introduction to the land leech Haemadipsa sylvestris Blanchard, Its possibility for medication. llmu dan Budaya VII: (3), 178-187. (Bahasa Indonesia) Pdf
  2. Mangunjaya, F.M. and E.W. Hendras.1987.  Beberapa Aspek Perilaku Pacet Haemadipsa sylvestris, dan perannya sebagai parasit. Some aspect of land leech behaviour Haemadipsa sylvestns and its role as parasite. Biologica X\ (51): 32-33. (Bahasa lndonesia).
  3. Mangunjaya, FM. The Reappraisal of the Leech. Voice of Nature. Vol 59: 58-61 Pdf  (English)
  4. Mangunjaya, F.M. Syariah: Jalan Keluar dari Krisis Ekologi. Suplement, Jurnal Ulumul Qur’an.  Edisi No 1 VII, 1998. Pdf
  5. Mangunjaya, F.M. 2007. Lingkungan Hidup dan Konservasi Alam dalam Perspektif Islam. Jurnal Islamia. Vol III No 2: 90-96. Pdf
  6. Mangunjaya, F.M.,Jatna Supriatna, Harfeyah Haleem & Fazlun Khalid. 2010 Indonesia: Muslim Project to Halt the Climate Change. Journal of Islamic Perspective, Vol 3. . p 116-130.
  7. The Lure of Tropical Kalimantan: Islam and Conservation. Asian Geographic. 4: 2011. pp 94-99
  8. Mangunjaya, FM.. 2011. Developing Environmental and Conservation Awareness through Islamic Teaching. Oxford Journal of Islamic Studies. 22 (1): 36-49 (Mangunjaya FM OCIS Journal 2010.full) (abstract)  
  9. Mangunjaya, F.M. & J. McKay. 2012. Reviving an Islamic Approach for Environmental Conservation in Indonesia. Worldview 16 (2012) 286-305.
  10. Mangunjaya, F.M. 2013. Solving the Problem: Youth Response to the Sustainable Development. Constelation Journal. January Vol. 3, No. 4, Jan – April 2013 (Safar – Jumādā al-Ūlā 1434) constellationstwelve – fachruddin mangunjaya_opt
  11. Mangunjaya, FM, Hadi Sukadri Alikodra, Ahmad Arif Amin dan Ahmad Sudirman Abbas. Kesadaran Lingkungan di Kalangan Santri Terhadap Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (The Status of Environmental Awareness in Islamic Boarding School Students to the Concept of Sustainable Development).  Media Konservasi Vol. 18, No. 3 Desember 2013 : 127 – 134     12836-37495-1-PB
  12. McKay, J.E., Mangunjaya, F.M., Dinata, Y., Harrop, S.R., and Khalid, F. 2014. Practise what you preach: a faith-based approach to conservation in Indonesia.Oryx 48(1):23-29
  13. Mangunjaya,F.M., Imran SL Tobing, Andang Binawan, Evangelin Pua and Made Nurbawa. 2015. Faiths from the Archipelago: Action on the Environment and Climate Change. Worldview  19 (2015) 103-122 (abstract/Pdf)
  14. Mangunjaya, F.M. 2015. Kerusakan Lingkungan: Epistemologi Sains dan Tanggungjawab Manusia. Teologia. Vol  6 (1) Januari –Juli, 2015 hal 58-71 (Pdf)
  15. Tjamin, YR., F.M Mangunjaya, I.S.L Tobing & G. Praharawati. 2017. The Attitude, Norm and perception of communities towards Sumatran tiger conservation initiatives in Aceh. Journal Indonesian Natural History 5 (1-2): 10-15 (Pdf)
  16. EY. Prawira, YR. Camin. F.M. Mangunjaya,  2017. Pengaruh Sosialisasi Fatwa MUI N0. 4 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pelestarian Satwa Langka Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan, Persepsi, dan Preferensi Masyarakat di Kawasan Penyangga Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon.  Jurnal HIMMAH, Vol 1 (1) :  37-52
  17. Hafdz T A,. F.M Mangunjaya, Y.R Camin. 2017. Tingkat Persepsi dan Kesadaran Masyarakat Desa Tanjung Beringin Terhadap Fatwa Satwa MUI No 4 Tentang Perlindungan Satwa Langka untuk Keseimbangan Ekosistam. Jurnal HIMMAH: Vol 1 (1): 53-67
  18. Freya A. V. St. John, Matthew Linkie, Deborah J. Martyr, Betty Milliyanawati,  Jeanne E. McKay, Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya, Nigel Leader-Williams, and Matthew J. Struebigg. Intentions to kill: Tolerance and illegal persecution of Sumatran tiger and sympatric species. Conservation Letter. 2018; 11 (4) DOI: 11 March 2018 (Pdf available)
  19. Nadia Putri Rachma Persada, Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya, Imran SL Tobing.( 2018). Sasi Sebagai Budaya Konservasi Sumber Daya alam di Kepulauan Maluku. Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya. Vol 41 (59):6869-6900.
  20. Matthew J. Struebig, Matthew Linkie, Nicolas J. Deere, Deborah J. Martyr, Betty Millyanawati, Sally C. Faulkner, Steven C. Le Comber, Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya, Nigel Leader-Williams, Jeanne E. McKay, Freya A. V. St. John. Addressing human-tiger conflict using socio-ecological information on tolerance and riskNature Communications, 2018; 9 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05983-y
  21. McKay JE, St. John FAV, Harihar A, Martyr D, Leader-Williams N, Betty Milliyanawati,Ika Agustin,Yulian Anggriawan, Karlina, Erlinda Kartika, Fachruddin Mangunjaya, Matthew J. Struebig, Matthew Linkie. (2018) Tolerating tigers: Gaining local and spiritual perspectives on human-tiger interactions in Sumatra through rural community interviews. PLOS ONE 13(11): e0201447.
  22. Mangunjaya,F.M., C. Elkin, G.Praharawati, I. S. L. Tobing & Y.R. Tjamin. (2018). Protecting Tigers with A Fatwa: Lesson Learn Faith Base Approach for Conservation. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology. July 2018. Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 78-81 (Pdf)
  23. Praharawati, G., Adyana, I., & Mangunjaya, F.M. (2019). Pengaruh Investasi CSR Dalam Meningkatkan Profitabilitas dan Harga Saham Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Indeks Sri Kehati Periode 2011–2015. Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM), 5(2), 210. doi:
  24. Mangunjaya, Fachruddin M & Praharawati,G. (2019) Fatwas on Boosting for Environmental Conservation in Indonesia. Special Edition on Religion and Environmental Activism in Asia. Religions 2019, 10(10), 570; (registering DOI )
  25. Syam, F.; Mangunjaya, F.M.; Rahmanillah, A.R.; Nurhadi, R. Narrative and the Politics of Identity: Patterns of the Spread and Acceptance of Radicalism and Terrorism in Indonesia. Religions 202011, 290.    
  26. Bahagia B,Wibowo, R. Mangunjaya, F.M.,   Priatna, O.S. 2020. Traditional Knowledge of Urug Community for Climate, Conservation, and Agriculture. Mimbar  Vol 36, No 1 (2020)
  27. Bahagia B, Mangunjaya, F.M.,Wibowo,R,.Rangkut,Z.,AlWahid,M.A. 2020 Leuit and prohibition forest: Indigenous knowlegde of an Urug community resilience. Journal Harmoni Sosial Vol  7 No 2 (2020) DOI: 
  28. Bahagia B, Mangunjaya, F.M.,Wibowo, 2020. Rareogan Sarumpi in for Rural Development in Situ Udik  Village, Bogor West Jawa, JHSS (Journal of Humanities and Social Studies) Volume 04, Number 02, September 2020, Page 96 – 101 .  
  29. Bahagia B, Mangunjaya, F.M.,Wibowo,R,.AlWahid,M.A. 2020. Resilience of Farming Labours Based on Bawon System Tradition and Ani-Ani Traditional Appliance In Indigenous Community of Urug Societies In Bogor, West Java  DOI 10.22146/kawistara.58665    
  30. Suyud, Mangunjaya, F. M., Bahagia, & Wibowo, R. (2020). Attitude, Knowledge, Awarness Toward Terhadap Behavior For Protecting Environment Base on Islamic View . Jurnal SPATIAL Wahana Komunikasi Dan Informasi Geografi20(2), 18-28. Retrieved from

  31. Ikhtiono, G., Bahagia,  Wibowo, R  & Mangunjaya,FM. 2020. Land Conservation and Pest Management of Agriculture Perspective Islamic Religion.  SALAM; Jurnal Sosial & Budaya Syar-i FSH UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Vol. 7 No. 11 (2020), pp.977-992, DOI:  10.15408/sjsbs.v7i11.17776

  32. Bahagia,  Wibowo,R., Mangunjaya, FM. 2020. Indigenous Cipatat Kolot Society Resilience  Based  on Leuit in Bogor,West . ETNOSIA:JURNAL ETNOGRAFI INDONESIA Volume  5 (2): 349-365

  33. Mangunjaya, FM., Bagia.,  Rimun Wibowo, Yono Yono. 2020. Nujuh bulanan Tradition Value For Societies Resilience in Costumary Community Urug Bogor West Java. Jurnal Sosial Budaya. Vol 17, No 2 (2020) 106-117 DOI:
  34. Irfani,F.,  Bahagia B,  Mangunjaya, FM., Wibowo, R. 2021. Character building caring for the environment based on local knowledge in Urug Societies Bogor West Java. Tunas Geografi.  Vol 9:2, DOI:
  35. Mujahidin,M.,  Bahagia,B.,  Mangunjaya,FM., Wibowo, R. 2021.Home Garden Value in Islamic Perspective for Rural Development in Situ Udik Bogor. Journal STIA Alhidayah.  DOI:
  36. Bahagia, B., De Ajeng Ayu Priatna,  Mangunjaya, FM.,  Wibowo, R., 2021. Adaptation teacher and housewife for creating student resilience amid Covid 19.  Journal Georgarphy  Vol 9 (1) DOI: (SINTA)
  37. Bahagia B,. Mangunjaya,F.M., Wibowo,R.,  Rangkuti,R.2021. Education Environment And The Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 In Student Perspective. J. Basic Education.  Vol 5 (3) 1604-1616  (Sinta 4)
  38. Mujahidin, E. Bahagia,B., Kosim, A.M., Mangunjaya, F.M. 2021. Climate disaster based on QS Yusuf 47-49 . Journal Humanity and Social Science (JHSS). DOI: 10.33751/jhss.v5i1.3202 (Sinta 3)
  39. Bahagia, B., Mangunjaya, F.M.,Anna, Z., Wibowo,R., Noor, M.S.I. 2021. Local knowledge of Cipatat Kolot on the Climate Adaptation: Seed, Organic Fertilizer, and Harvest Processing. Journal Patanjala Vol 13 (1): 1-16. (SINTA 2)

  40. Selni, M.P., Mangunjaya,F.M., Praharawati,G., Tjamin Y.R. 2021. Pengetahuan, Persepsi dan Sikap Masyarakat Terhadap Keinginan Untuk melakukan Konservasi Hewan Liar yang Terancam Punah. (Knowledge, Perception and Atitude to Intention for Wildlife Conservation) Edukatif : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 3 No 4 DOI: (SINTA 4)

  41. Bahagia, B., Mangunjaya,F.M., Wibowo,R., Rangkuti,Z., Noor,Z.M. 2021. Tradition of Cleaning for  Social, Religion and Environment Education.  Edukatif : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Vol 3 (5).  DOI: 10.31004/edukatif.v3i5.66 (Sinta 4)
  42. Mangunjaya, F. M., Bahagia, B., Praharawati, G., Yarni, Y., Aadrean, A., & Kurniawan, R. (2021). Transformation of local knowledge of Lubuk Larangan toward fishing tourism. Harmoni Sosial: Jurnal Pendidikan IPS, 8(2), 57-65 
  43. Bahagia, B., Mangunjaya, F.M., Wibowo,R. Rangkuti,Z., Noor,Z.M. 2021. Social and Religion Value of Muludan and Mutual Assisting in Community.  Edukatif Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Vol 3 (6):    (Sinta 4)
  44. Praharawati, G., Mangunjaya, F.M, Saragih, H. M., Firdaus, A. Y., Mulyana, T. M., Ilmi, F., Zulham, M., Gunawan, H., Utama, S., & Sinaga, E. 2021. A Model of Religious Moral Approach for Peatland Ecosystem Restoration in Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika, 27(2), 132. (Sinta 1, Q4)
  45. Bahagia, D.E.,  AA . Priatna., F.M. Mangunjaya, R.Wibowo. 2021. Adaptation Teacher and Housewife for Creating Student Resilience Amid Covid-19.  Journal Geography Vol. 9, No. 1, April 2021, Hal. 13-24
  46. Bahagia, Mangunjaya, F.M., Mujahidin, E., Wibowo, R. (2021). Traditional climate and environment forecasting based on local knowledge of Urug societies in Bogor West Java. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 1339-1347. (Q3)
  47. Pratiwi, S,A, F.M. Mangunjaya, T.M. Setia.2021.Update Study of Traded Birds at the Bird Shops in Jakarta. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity. Vol.2, No.1, p.
  48. Nurjanah, N., FM Mangunjaya, TM Setia, A Aditiya, MSW Putra. 2021 Study of Traded Birds in Pontianak City and Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan Indonesia. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity. Vol.2, No.1
  49. Mangunjaya, FM., Bahagia, B., Praharawati.G., Aadrean,A.  Kurniawan, A. 2021. Transformation of local knowledge of Lubuk Larangan toward fishing tourism. Harmoni Sosial: Jurnal Pendidikan IPS Volume 8, No. 2, September 2021 (57-65)
  50. Bahagia, Rimun Wibowo, FM. Mangunjaya. 2022. Social and Tradition In Local Knowledge For Dealing With Nature Disaster. Edukatif : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan.  Volume 4 Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 Halm 338 – 344
  51. Praharawati, G. , Sunito, S.,Mardiastuti,A., Wijayanto, A., Mangunjaya, F & Osmantri, (2022). The State of Community Knowledge, Attitude, and Intention to Conservation of Wildlife in the Rimbang Baling Wildlife Sanctuary, Riau, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology, 11(2), 218-227
  52. Praharawati, G., Mangunjaya.,F.M, Sunito,S., Mardiastuti,A.,  (2023). The Intention to Preach for Wildlife Protection in Sumatra Indonesia. Volume 39, No. 1, (Juni 2023)
  53. Mangunjaya, FM. 2023. How Islamic Tradition Can Benefit Nature and Climate Change Action. Journal of the Siam Society, Vol 111 (No 2) 2023.
  54. Mangunjaya, F.M & G. Praharawati. Consumption Ethics  for Wild Animals: an Islamic Practice (in press)