Conference Paper and Proceeding

  1. Mangunjaya, FM & Jatna Supriatna. 2005. Indonesian Moslem Responding to the Environmental Crisis: Notes to Nature Conservation. Paper presented in Research Seminar ‘Religion and Ecology” held by Center for Religious & Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS). Graduate Program, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. August 9-13, 2005. (Pdf.Indonesian_Muslim_in_Response_to_the_Env)
  2. Mangunjaya, F.M. 2008. Komplesitas Lingkungan yang Berdampak Bencana. Makalah disampaikan dalam Focus Group Discussion, “Penyusunan buku Landasan Konsepsional Penanganan Resiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas Dalam Persfektif Islam. CBDRM Nahdlatul Ulama, di Jakarta, 23-25 Mei 2008 (Pdf)
  3. Khalid, F & F. Mangunjaya, (Eds). 2007. Proceedings of the Colloquium: Islamic Fiqh on the Environment. Wisma Syahida 21-22 June 2007. KLH, IFEES, Conservation International-Indonesia & WWF Indonesia, Jakarta. 250 pp.
  4.  International Symposium on Islam and Environment held by Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (Oxford, UK 17-19 October 2008), Dictley Park, UK. (Fachruddin Mangunjaya as one Participant)
  5. Mangunjaya, FM. 2008. Keramat Alami dan Kontribusi Islam dalam Konservasi Alam (Sacred Sites, Islamic Contribution to Nature Conservation). in Situs Keramat Alami: Peran Budaya Dalam Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati. (Natural Sacred Site: The Role of Culture in Conservation of Biodiversity). Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta. pp 28-43.
  6. Supriatna, J., F.Mangunjaya, J. Arisona and E.Perbatakusuma. 2009 . Water and Spiritual Life in Batang Gadis National Park, Sumatra Indonesia.  Faith  in Water Conference, Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC),  5-7 July 2009. Sarum College, Salisbury, UK
  7. Mangunjaya, F. 2015.Engagement of Muslim Leaders for Conservation and Sustainability Actions in Indonesia (abstract) In: Proceedings of the 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology.  Visconti P., Game E., Mathevet R., Wilkerson M. editors. Montpellier 2-6 August 2015. p. 425. SCB; 2015. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4233.4489/1
  8. Mangunjaya, F M & Y. Dinata. 2017. Ecosystem Faith-Based Protection in Sumatra, Case Study for Minangkabau Tradition. Proceeding Paper presented at the Fourth Workshop of IUCN/WCPA Specialist Group on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas, held in the Franciscan Retreat House of Porziuncola – Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, in Malta, 23-28 April 2017. Delos Initiative Proceeding (In Press)
  9. Aadrean.,  Mangunjaya, FM., Ashrifurrahman & Praharawati. 2021. Trend and Distribution of Lubuk Larangan in Scientific Publications with Notes on How to Promote It in International Level.  4th Interdisciplinary International Conference on Green Development in Tropical Region (4th IICGDTR) The Graduate Program – Universitas Andalas. 7-8 July 2021
  10. Mangunjaya, Fachruddin. 2023. How Islamic Tradition Can Benefit Nature and Climate Change Action. Paper Presented at: ASEAN Heritaca: Cultural Wisdom for Climate Action SEACHA. 11-14 January, 2023, Bangkok, Thailand.
  11. Utami, W.S., F. M. Mangunjaya,. Aadrean., Yarni.,T. M. Setia. 2023. Community Based Conservation on Lubuk Larangan and
    Conservation Corridor in North Sumatra. Symposium Biologi Education. Symbion Proceeding  Vol 3 (2023), p 260-26
  12. Sari, Ayu Aulia., F. M Mangunjaya, Aadrean.,  T.M. Setia (2023), Ecological aspects and conservation practices based on local wisdom of lubuk larangan in Jambi Vol 3, p 444-450  Pdf