Fachruddin Majeri Mangunjaya, photographed in Jakarta, Indonesia Saturday, Aug. 10,2019, is a leading eco-activist in the Muslim world, who has been working to bring religion to bear in the pursuit of conservation goals since the 1990s. He has a long list of accomplishments, books he has written, initiatives he has started and organizations he has helped to found. He has helped train more than 1000 clerics in delivering sermons that connect science and religion with environmental content. (Photo: Deseret, USA)
Environmentalist, Author and Associate Professor (Professor Madya), Dean Faculty of Biology and Agriculture (FBP) (2024-2028) Universitas Nasional, Chairman Centre for Islamic Studies Universitas Nasional,   Fellow The Climate Leader Presenter. Visiting Fellow, Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM) 2018-2019. Graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Biology at the Universitas Nasional (UNAS) in Jakarta, and master degree in conservation biology at the University of Indonesia, and PhD from Post Graduate Program Environmental Management and Natural Resouces (PSL), Bogor Agricultural University. (News about his dissertation: Agama Pengaruhi Perubahan Perilaku pada Lingkungan. KOMPAS 2012)

Drafting team for Islamic Declaration for Global Climate Change, Istanbul (2015). Click Translations in 11 languages here 

Drafting Scholar: Team for Al Mizan Covenance for Earth

He is interested in bringing religion to bear to help conservation goals. One leading eco-activist in the Muslim world and elected as one of four Muslim Eco-Warrior

Member Advisory Group Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology (2020-now), and member of International Society for the Study of Religion Nature and Culture (ISSRNC), environmental journalist and columnist. Advisory member of SiagaBumi (Environment and Interfaith in Indonesia) and Advisory Board of Faith for Our Planet (FFOP). Member of IUCN-WCPA Specialist Group in Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas (2018-now). Advisory Flight Foundation (2017-now) and SIAGA BUMI, Dewan Pembina (Guarantee) Yayasan Kehati (2019-now), Advisory Council Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI)-Indonesia (2020-now).  Independent consultant for several institutions such as UNDP (2012-2014), UNEP and Islamic Science Education Cultural Organization ISESCO, Rabat, Marocco (2018-2019)

Editor and Author of 30 books and book chapters: such as Konservasi Alam Dalam Islam –Nature Conservation in Islam (YOI, 2005; 2nd edition 2019), Hidup Harmonis Dengan Alam (Living Harmoniously with Nature), -YOI 2006, Menanam Sebelum Kiamat (co Editor), -(YOI 2007), Editor Fiqh al Biah (Fikih Lingkungan),(INFORM 2005) Bertahan Di Bumi: Gaya Hidup Menghadapi Perubahan Iklim (YOI 2008) and several children books: Keluarga Gajah, Orangutan Pesta Buah Durian dan Kancil Millenium. Khazanah Alam: Menggali Tradisi Islam untuk Konservasi (YOI 2009), Islam Peduli Lingkungan,  Modul untuk SMK/SMK/Aliyah, Agus Rahmah, Asep Hilman Yahya dan M Abdullah Darrasz (Ed) (Ma’arif Institute Jakarta). Mempertahankan Keseimbangan :Perubahan Iklim, Keanekaragaman Hayati, Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dan Etika Agama (YOI 2015).