- Invited Speaker Muzakarah Ulama Malaysia tentang Kewajaran Fiqh al Biah, Institute Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM), Kualalumpur 8 Mac 2016
- Invited Speaker by ISESCO on Crans Montana Forum Conference, Dakhla, Marocco, 17 -22 March. Conference on Africa and the South-South Cooperation toward a Better Governance for Sustainable Economic and Social Development.
- Engagement with Muslim Leaders for Conservation Action, Short Course Lecture, Universitas Nasional and Rutgers University. 6 August 2016 (News Link Bahasa)
- Regional Interdisciplinary Workshop on Ecological Sustainability, Culture and Religion in Southeast Asia, 14-16 October 2016, Hotel Majestic, KL. By the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Edinburgh.
- Invited panel speaker at the Islamic Global Climate Change Declaration: A Call to Action side event hosted by the Global Muslim Climate Network on Thursday 10th November,2016. Side Event, COP 22, UNFCCC, Marrakech, Morocco.
- Panel Innovation for Conservation and Sustainability: The Role of Religious Leaders in Indonesia. Indonesian Pavillion, UNFCC, COP 22, Marrakech, Marroco.