Rufford Learning Event, July-August, 2024

Dr Fachruddin will be in Samarinda, 29 July-3 August 2024 to attend Rufford Learning Event.

Here is the details Learning Event 2024

We are delighted you are able to attend The Rufford Foundation LE in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This LE has been designed with the main aim of bringing together Rufford Foundation grantees from the Indo Malay-Singapore region to provide an opportunity to network and share learning.

We hope you will make some new connections and can meet with Mariam Weston, Grants Officer from the Rufford Foundation team, and the host team from the local NGO Yayasan Konservasi RASI (Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia).

We are delighted to be your host and, after the first workshop days in Samarinda, show you one of our important field sites in Pela Ecotourism Village, which has dedicated itself to protecting the critically endangered Mahakam River dolphins.

Look forward to seeing you soon! About this event #RuffordLE_Samarinda Budiono, Director of YK-RASI