Short Course on Islam and Ecology

  • Short Course of Netherland Interuniversity School for Islamic Studies (NISIS) Masterclass
  • #3: Environmental Studies. 
    • Date:  28 January 2021
    • Time:  09:00 – 11:00
    • Location:  Online

On January 28 2021 the third session of the NISIS Masterclass “The Past and Future of Islamic Studies” will be hosted by the NISIS Junior Council. The Masterclass will take place via Zoom, and will start at 9.00 AM (local time in Amsterdam). This time, we are ploughing through a new and emerging field in and around Islamic Studies: Environmental Studies.

During this session we zoom in on a number of scholars who have dedicated their work to ecological and urban environments. Since the 21st century, scholars dedicate case studies to learn about climate change, natural disasters, land use, bioindustry, animals, and environmental resources as part of a global economy. Some study the role of ecopolitics in medieval history, whereas others look at the way how Muslims adapt their everyday lives to fulfill their hopes and deal with the interdependent and stratified realities that affect them. In the lectures we take this pressing theme through the lense of history and anthropology to learn about the present day environment and the historical trajectories that shape socio-ecological dynamics.

As per usual, we have invited two speakers to open up the discussions and guide us through this emerging research agenda: Dr. Elena Burgos Martinez (LIAS, Leiden University) and Dr. Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya (Universitas Nasional). Please find the abstracts of their lectures below.

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